We’re proud to be one of a select few woman-owned heating and cooling companies in the Manhattan area. Family owned & operated by New York, we’ve been in the heating and air conditioning business for over 15 years.
While it’s true that we’re in the heating & cooling business New York insists everyone at COOL AIR NY INC. sees themselves as being in the “people pleasing business” We know that there’s plenty of options when you need help with your furnace or air conditioning so we make it our duty each and every day to give our customers more than they expect.
Ability-wise we do all the things other top-tier HVAC companies do, maybe even a bit more. But to really seperate ourselves from the pack we concentrate on the customer experience at every level.
We use a small team of hand-selected certified technicians who were chosen as much for their customer service skills and integrity as they were for their ability. Every assesment and recommendation they make is delivered with your end goal in mind, never with the intention of making a sale just to make a sale or to push a particular product.
They’ll also interact with using terms and concepts that any laymen would understand. No industry speak or technical lingo, just simple straight-forward explanations and clear-cut plans of action to match your needs and your budget.
Contact us anytime you have questions or need help with any of your HVAC or PTAC needs. We Look forward to working with you.